Like a foamless shadow
Able to appear and disappear
So my world has become
In a blink of an eye

Looking back upon the things I dearly love
My home, my friends, my family
In pains, grief, sorrow, misery, in mourning
Yet help seem so far consolation a mere word

Like a ship sunk with its crew helpless
Tossed about in the roaring ocean waves
Thunder harassing, lightening sparkling
So has my life become
As I wade through layers of the unknown

The close familiar images of home
Slowly fades into thin air
So, human thoughts are true
Heaven is somewhere above

Here must be the abode of the Almighty
Glory! Glory!! Glory!!! My mouth speaks
All the years of my sacred service to Him
Is finally rewarded
On the Gate of Heavens

Hoping soon I’ll be allowed in.
