I am sure many would have come across this vegetable but don't know the health improtance. Well, that is the reason i exist  to get it across to you. Sweet potato is mostly found in the temperate and very nutritional. Sweet Potatoes pack over 300% of your daily vitamin A need as well as fiber and potassiumm more grams of natural sugar but with low calories. One medium cut of sweet potato provides up to 162 calories, 37 grams of carbohydrate,fiber and sugar inclusive, no gram of fat, and 3.6 grams of protein. It also possess 37% of vitamin C, 16% of vitamin B-6, 10% panthothenic acid, 15% of potassium, 28% of manganese and fewer amounts of calcium, iron,magnesium, phosphorus,zinc,vitamin E thiamin etc. They are powerful anioxidant,beta-carotene, which converts to Vitamin A in the body. Note that, eating foods that are rich beta-carotene reduce the risk of developing some types of cancer, give protection against asthma and heart disease, also delays ageing. Here are other known health benefit :
- It helps to reduce the risk of having Diabetes :  The  fiber in sweet potatoes makes vital in reducing blood sugar. Research shows that people with type 1 diabetes who eat high-fiber foods have lower blood glucose levels.
- It helps to reduce Blood pressure: It potassium constituent make it vital in reducing blood presure. Also try to reduce sodium intake.
-  Its high vitamin C and beta-carotene help to reduce risk of having cancer and improve body immunity. Thats a good combination,right?
- It also help in digestion and regularities : Because it contains high fiber, it will help in preventing constipation and help in promoting regularities for a healthy digestive tract.
-  It also help in reducing the risk of some cancer : It beta-cortene possession has a great function in reducing prostrate cancer, though beta-carotene has showing to have an inverse association with the development of colon cancer in the Japanese population.
- It helps in fertility:  Cocuming more iron from plants could help promote child bearing for women at that age. Also, consumption of vitamin A, which is a beta-carotene convert, is vital during pregnancy and lactation for hormone synthesis.
_ it helps in improving clearer vision: As it is widely known that vitamin A deficiency affcts vision. eating food with beta-carotene, which will be converted to vitamin A, is just the best to correct such deficiency. Antioxidant of vitamin C and E also have shown improve eye health and prevent degenrative damage.
                 Also to add, eating all fruits, more that 3 daily, has shown to reduce the risk of progression of age-related macular degeneration.  Give this foods more chances in your life and stay at a better chance of living long. God Bless you all.....

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