Some call it “Reigning King”; others call it “XYZ”. The most trending deadly HIV virus for many years is gradually getting defeated. It was reported that a group of researchers in Aahrus University and the University Hospital have taken a step forward towards eradicating the disease from the body. They went further revealing that using an anti-cancer drug, Romidepsin, could “activate” the dormant HIV virus cell from where it is hiding and make it available for battle. Recall, that activated HIV has already been able to control with available powerful drugs. But what has been the problem is the fact that after this process of the HIV virus, other dormant HIV cells get activated and come out more powerfully, up to 3 times of the previous number,  which then massively attack on the white blood cell.  How to actually get the virus out of its hiding place had been the major concern and it’s what researchers around the world have been trying find. HIV virus cell hide in the CD4 cells, a part of the body’s immune system, in a semi-deactivation state, but the CD4 can fight the virus, T-CELL does. However the T-cell cannot fight or destroy the HIV virus-contained CD4 cell because it cannot identify the CD4 containing the dormant HIV cell and that is what is makes it a chronic disease with no cure…
              Now that the dormant HIV virus can now be activated by Romidepsin and go to the bloodstream, it leaves a trace on the affected CD4 cells so the T-cell can identify and destroy it. But after this process, the immune system is reported not strong enough anymore as the viral load increases in the bloodstream. The tested person experienced nausea and fatigue which could be regarded as a result of the Romidepsin intake and there is no special side effect recorded. It is noted that the immune system is not strong enough to clear the exposed HIV virus from the body but it is believed that the new discovery will be part of combination therapy to eventually eradicate the virus from the body.
             The next trial now is to combine Romidepsin to activate dormant virus cell with the vaccine,vacc-4x, to fortify the T-cell in fighting the exposed HIV virus. In the AIDS conference, the senior doctor, Ole Schmeltz believed there are still many hurdles to cross owing to the recent development. I hope the cure comes up quickly so as to save millions of lives and while this is found, other viral infections like Cancer, Ebola, Lassa fever, Denge Fever etc will be in captive of getting rid of.
